Mastering Inference Parameters in Transformer Language Models: A Step-by-Step Guide to Temperature, Top-k, and Nucleus Sampling

Have you ever worked with generative language models and felt like you're not getting the kind of output you want? Like, you give it a prompt, and it just spits out something completely random or weirdly repetitive? It's a common frustration.

The truth is, there's a whole science behind controlling these models and making them generate text that actually makes sense. And a big part of that lies in understanding and using inference parameters like temperature, top-k, and nucleus sampling (or top-p).

These parameters are the secret sauce that helps shape the text output. They control how diverse or focused the generated text is, how coherent it flows, and ultimately, how good the quality is. But here's the catch – they need to be applied in the right order and with the right settings. Otherwise, it's like trying to bake a cake without following the recipe – you'll end up with a mess.

This blog post aims to break it all down in a step-by-step guide. No more guesswork, no more head-scratching. We'll demystify the sequence of using temperature, top-k, and nucleus sampling when working with generative Transformer-based language models.

Whether you're a writer looking to spice up your storylines, a marketer trying to generate compelling content, or just someone fascinated by AI, understanding these inference parameters is key. By the end of this post, you'll be a pro at tuning your language model to spit out exactly the kind of text you want – coherent, diverse, and high-quality.

So buckle up, grab a snack (you'll need brain fuel for this), and let's dive into the world of inference parameters. It's time to take control of those language models and make them work for your needs!

Mastering the Trio: Temperature, Top-p, and Top-k - The Inference Parameters That Shape Your Language Model's Output

Let us understand in detail about the inference parameters.


Temperature is a parameter that controls the randomness or determinism of the output generated by a language model. It essentially adjusts the probability distribution over the available tokens at each step of the generation process.

A higher temperature value (e.g., 1.0 or higher) makes the model more exploratory and unpredictable, increasing the diversity of the generated text. With a high temperature, the model is more likely to consider and select less probable tokens, leading to more creative and surprising outputs. However, this can also result in less coherent or semantically consistent text.

On the other hand, a lower temperature value (e.g., 0.5 or lower) makes the model more focused and deterministic. It concentrates the probability mass on the most likely tokens, favoring safe and predictable choices. This can lead to more coherent and fluent text but may lack diversity or novelty.

Top-p (Nucleus Sampling)

Top-p, also known as nucleus sampling, is a technique that filters the token selection based on their cumulative probability mass. It specifies the total probability mass that should be covered by the tokens considered at each step during the generation process.

For example, if top-p is set to 0.9 (or 90%), the model will consider the smallest set of tokens whose cumulative probability mass exceeds 0.9. This means that only the most probable tokens that account for 90% of the total probability mass will be included in the sampling process for the next token.

Top-p helps balance diversity and coherence by focusing on the most probable tokens while still allowing for some degree of exploration. It can prevent the model from selecting highly improbable or nonsensical tokens, which can improve the overall quality and coherence of the generated text.


Top-k is an alternative to top-p and works by limiting the number of tokens considered at each step during generation. It specifies the exact number of highest-probability tokens (k) that the model should consider for the next token selection.

For instance, if top-k is set to 10, the model will only consider the top 10 tokens with the highest probabilities at each step. This approach can help control the diversity and coherence of the output, as the model is restricted to choosing from a smaller set of likely tokens.

Top-k is generally more computationally efficient than top-p but may be less flexible in terms of controlling the trade-off between diversity and coherence. It can be useful when you want to explicitly limit the number of tokens considered, but it may also exclude potentially relevant low-probability tokens.

Choosing the appropriate values for these inference parameters and applying them in the correct sequence is crucial for obtaining desired outputs from generative language models. The typical sequence is to first adjust the temperature to control the overall randomness, then apply either top-k or top-p (but not both simultaneously) to further refine the token selection, and finally sample the next token based on the filtered probability distribution.

By mastering the usage of temperature, top-p, and top-k, you can fine-tune the output characteristics of your language model, striking the right balance between diversity, coherence, and overall quality for your specific use case, whether it's creative writing, content generation, or any other application involving language generation.

Now let's understand the sequence in which they become effective.

Sequence in which the inference parameters filter and consider the next token

When it comes to inference parameters such as top-p, top-k, and temperature in Transformer-based language models, the typical sequence of consideration is as follows:


The temperature parameter is usually the first parameter to consider. It controls the overall randomness of the generated output. A higher temperature value (e.g., 1.0 or higher) makes the model more unpredictable and exploratory, while a lower temperature value (e.g., 0.5 or lower) makes the model more deterministic and conservative.


After setting the temperature, the next parameter to consider is top-k. This parameter specifies the number of highest-probability tokens to consider at each step during the generation process. For example, if top-k is set to 10, the model will only consider the top 10 tokens with the highest probabilities at each step.

Top-p (nucleus sampling)

Finally, top-p (also known as nucleus sampling) is considered. This parameter is an alternative to top-k and defines the cumulative probability mass that should be covered by the tokens considered at each step. For example, if top-p is set to 0.9, the model will consider the smallest set of tokens whose cumulative probability mass exceeds 0.9.

The reason for this sequence is that temperature affects the overall distribution of probabilities, while top-k and top-p filter the tokens based on their probabilities. It's generally recommended to adjust the temperature first to control the overall randomness, and then use either top-k or top-p to further refine the generated output by limiting the number of tokens considered at each step.

It's worth noting that top-k and top-p are mutually exclusive, meaning that only one of them should be used at a time. They serve similar purposes, but top-p is often preferred as it considers the entire probability distribution, while top-k only considers the top-k tokens, potentially ignoring important low-probability tokens.

Let's understand the inference parameters considerations with an example

We will look at a step-by-step example with a simple prompt and response to better explain the sequence of honoring temperature, top-p, and top-k.

Prompt: <prompt>The cat</prompt>

Let's assume the following bag of words and associated probabilities for the next token after "The cat":

sat: 0.3
jumped: 0.2
purred: 0.15
meowed: 0.1
scratched: 0.1
slept: 0.08
played: 0.07

Step 1: Temperature

We'll set the temperature to 0.7 (lower than 1.0 to make the output more focused).

The probabilities will be adjusted as follows:

sat: 0.3^(1/0.7) = 0.22
jumped: 0.2^(1/0.7) = 0.13
purred: 0.15^(1/0.7) = 0.09
meowed: 0.1^(1/0.7) = 0.05
scratched: 0.1^(1/0.7) = 0.05
slept: 0.08^(1/0.7) = 0.04
played: 0.07^(1/0.7) = 0.03

Note: The probabilities are raised to the power of 1/temperature, and then the resulting values are renormalized to sum up to 1.

Step 2: Top-k

Let's set top-k to 3, which means we'll consider the top 3 tokens with the highest probabilities.

The top 3 tokens after applying temperature are:

sat: 0.22
jumped: 0.13
purred: 0.09

Step 3: Top-p (nucleus sampling)

Let's set top-p to 0.8, which means we'll consider the smallest set of tokens whose cumulative probability mass exceeds 0.8.

Cumulative probability mass:

sat: 0.22
sat + jumped: 0.22 + 0.13 = 0.35
sat + jumped + purred: 0.35 + 0.09 = 0.44

Since the cumulative probability mass of the top 3 tokens (0.44) is less than the top-p threshold (0.8), we'll need to consider more tokens.

Adding the next token:

sat + jumped + purred + meowed: 0.44 + 0.05 = 0.49

Still less than 0.8, so we'll add the next token:

sat + jumped + purred + meowed + scratched: 0.49 + 0.05 = 0.54

The cumulative probability mass (0.54) is still less than the top-p threshold (0.8), so we'll continue adding tokens until we reach or exceed the threshold.

sat + jumped + purred + meowed + scratched + slept: 0.54 + 0.04 = 0.58

We've now exceeded the top-p threshold of 0.8, so the model will consider the following tokens for the next step:

sat, jumped, purred, meowed, scratched, slept

Assuming the model selects "sat" as the next token, the response would be:

<response>The cat sat</response>

In this example, we first adjusted the probabilities using the temperature parameter (0.7), then applied top-k (3) to consider the top 3 tokens, and finally used top-p (0.8) to further filter the tokens based on their cumulative probability mass.

Why the cat sat? Why not the cat purred?

After applying temperature, top-k, and top-p, we arrive at a set of eligible tokens that meet the inference parameters. In the example, this set is:

{sat, jumped, purred, meowed, scratched, slept}

With their corresponding adjusted probabilities:

sat: 0.22
jumped: 0.13
purred: 0.09
meowed: 0.05
scratched: 0.05
slept: 0.04

The final token selection from this set is done through a probabilistic sampling process, where each token is chosen based on its adjusted probability.

The specific math involved in this probabilistic sampling process is as follows:

  1. The adjusted probabilities of the eligible tokens are normalized to sum up to 1
  2. A random number between 0 and 1 is generated.
  3. The range of probabilities is divided into segments corresponding to each token's probability.
  4. The random number falls into one of these segments, and the token corresponding to that segment is selected.

For example, if we divide the range [0, 1) into segments based on the adjusted probabilities:

[0, 0.22) corresponds to "sat"
[0.22, 0.35) corresponds to "jumped"
[0.35, 0.44) corresponds to "purred"
[0.44, 0.49) corresponds to "meowed"
[0.49, 0.54) corresponds to "scratched"
[0.54, 0.58) corresponds to "slept"

If the random number generated is 0.27, it falls into the segment [0.22, 0.35), so the token "jumped" would be selected.

If the random number is 0.51, it falls into the segment [0.49, 0.54), so the token "scratched" would be selected.

And so on.

This probabilistic sampling process ensures that tokens with higher adjusted probabilities have a higher chance of being selected, but it is still a random process, and any token from the eligible set can be chosen.

So, in summary, the final step is to probabilistically sample the next token from the set of eligible tokens based on their adjusted probabilities, without making any assumptions about the specific token chosen.


Throughout this comprehensive guide, we've explored the intricate world of inference parameters and their crucial role in shaping the outputs of generative language models. We've delved into the trio of temperature, top-p (nucleus sampling), and top-k, unraveling their unique functions and impact on text generation.

We started by understanding temperature, the parameter that controls the randomness or determinism of the generated text. By adjusting temperature values, we learned how to strike a balance between exploration and predictability, unlocking diverse or focused outputs tailored to our specific needs.

Next, we discussed top-p, the powerful technique that filters token selection based on cumulative probability mass. By exploring different top-p values, we discovered how to balance diversity and coherence, preventing the model from selecting highly improbable or nonsensical tokens while still allowing for creativity and novelty.

We then examined top-k, an alternative approach that limits the number of highest-probability tokens considered at each step. Through practical examples, we saw how top-k can effectively control the diversity and coherence of the output, while also offering computational efficiency.

Crucially, we emphasized the importance of applying these parameters in the correct sequence: temperature first, followed by either top-p or top-k (but not both simultaneously), and finally, the probabilistic sampling of the next token based on the filtered distribution.

By mastering this sequence and the interplay between these inference parameters, we've unlocked the ability to fine-tune our language models, striking the perfect balance between diversity, coherence, and overall quality for any given use case, whether it's creative writing, content generation, or cutting-edge research in natural language processing.

As we bid farewell to this guide, remember that the journey of mastering language models is an ongoing process of experimentation and exploration. Don't be afraid to tinker with different parameter combinations, observe their effects, and continuously refine your approach. The key is to remain curious, adaptive, and open to new learnings, as the field of generative AI continues to evolve at a rapid pace.

Embrace the power of inference parameters, and let your language models soar to new heights, generating text that captivates, inspires, and pushes the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of natural language generation.