
Publishing on Wow Data Science (WDS) is super easy. WDS strives to keep its content useful for its audience. If you think you can contribute that helps wide range of audience on WDS you are always welcome to contribute.

Wow Data Science aims to have valuable resources in the field of Data Science, Math, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Reinforcement Learning, Statistics, Data Analysis and many other relative topics.

Before you contribute, it is recommended to go through this page fully that will help you understand more about the contribution guide lines.

Type of Content


Your article details about a tutorial (better if you come up with step-by-step approach) to achieve a particular outcome are welcome. You are welcome to use Python, R Programming, Julia, Microsoft Excel or any other technology, tool or framework in your tutorial.

How to Article

Your article covers how to achieve a solution to a problem or a workflow. You also help the readers of WDS with your methodical and organised approach to learn something new. Your article covers the topics in the field of Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning or Reinforcement Learning in a step-by-step and guided approach.

Story Telling

Share your story about your experiences. Let the readers of WDS know how you solved complex situations with the tasks that you were required to achieve. Explain them with the action items taken to come to a fruitful result. Enforce the importance of action plans and how they helped you to achieve certain task in various situations. Tell us your story that help all the fellow WDS audience will benefit from.


Your article related to research you are doing or have done in the fields of Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Processing and Data Analysis. The list is quite small but not limited to the aforementioned topics. If you think that there is something that fits in the research content on WDS, you are welcome to contribute.



WDS has wide audience who are interesting to explore, learn and try out the articles published. So you will have a chance to reach out to them through WDS and help them understand and teach your experiences.


You will get great visibility after featuring your article on WDS. You will be allowed to add links to your official portfolio websites, blog or website. Adding these links in the approved article might increase your traffic and thus you get popular too. You can also add links to your LinkedIn and Twitter profiles to increase followers.


By featuring your article on WDS, you will add great value to your portfolio and also to the audience on WDS. This is a win-win situation where both the publisher and audience get benefitted.

Spread the word

If you are interested in contributing your Post to WDS or help your colleague share their content on WDS, then please do spread a word. We are always happy to help you to reach wide range of audience in your relevant field.


Ready for submission? Fill in this form with your details and article. You will hear from us once your article is published on WDS to your email provided.